
Monday 30 November 2009

Alert! Extreme cuteness alert!!

Ta da! Here is our new addition to our family - Lulu!

At just over 7 weeks old, we picked her up on Saturday and she is - of course - incredibly cute! Those huge eyes; soft, chubby, cuddly body; and constantly wagging tail - what's NOT to love?!! Our 2 and half year old Labrador, Poppy, wasn't sure of her on the first day, lots of growling and at one time nearly took her head off when Lulu tried to climb into HER bed!! (well, not really, but it was pretty aggressive growl!) A couple of days later they are getting along well as you can see from the fourth photo.
Poppy has always been our baby but now she's a proper grown up dog to me! And I love her even more when I see her interacting with Lulu - really gentle and patient (even when her tail is being chewed on). And we really appreciate now how easy she was when she was as a puppy - she had very few 'accidents' and didn't chew anything but her toys. Lulu on the other hand is one big poopy machine and chews anything in sight!!!
I'm so pleased I took a week's holiday from work - I love bonding with my new baby!! Now off for a snooze, it's hard work playing with a puppy all day...

Sunday 29 November 2009

Sweet Sunday challenge - another deadline missed!

I meant to post this on time, but what with a new addition to the family - another yellow Labrador puppy! - I just didn't have time in between preparation, playing, feeding and potty training! And when she did fall asleep, I was doing housework or cooking! Blimey, what would it be like with a real baby?!!! I'll do another post for all those dog lovers out there next!
Hey ho, I've missed the deadline for the Sweet Sunday sketch #45, but I'm posting it anyway because it's the first time I've used acetate and a shaker window on a card! (Been dying to do that for aaages!) Here's the sketch and my card...

So, another Xmas card down, another 27 to go!!

Papers/cardstock: various Bazzill cardstock, DCWV paper (can't remember from which collection!), DCWV glitter paper
Stamps: none
Mediums: Copics Multiliner in black for "brrr..."
Accents: All My Memories Bauble-Gums Winter, ribbon from stash
Tools: PaperShaper Snowflake border punch, Nestabilities Blossom die, circle punch

Thursday 26 November 2009

Mojo Monday week 114 challenge and blog candy!

Two posts in one day - wow! Well, only because I made three cards last night! So here is my card and I used the Mojo Monday week 114 challenge for my inspiration...

Okay, so now to the candy! Now, put your hand up if you have NEVER bought the same crafty item twice by accident! Yeah, I thought so! Well, I've done this several times (d'oh!) and I've been thinking of a good excuse to get rid of them because space is like gold dust in my craft room! (I hear you all nodding!) So, if you look to the right side bar, you'll see I've added that Followers Google Friend Connect gadget. For everyone who clicks on that button and starts to follow my blog, I'll do a random selection and send the winner this BasicGrey Too Sweet stamp set. If you don't use Google Friends, then leave me a comment and I will add you to the pot!

Ain't it cute?! You can see why I got over excited and bought two! And no I haven't used my set yet!! What a wally. Anyway, I will post to anywhere in the world and I'll give it a week, closing the blog candy at 10pm GMT on 3 December. I'll announce the winner on Friday 4 December. Good luck!

Papers/cardstock: various Bazzill cardstock, DCWV paper (can't remember from which collection!)
Stamps: none
Mediums: none
Accents: All My Memories Bauble-Gums Winter, Doodlebug green spot organza ribbon, Robin's Nest Dew Drops
Tools: PaperShaper
Snowflake border punch

C4C12 - Snow Much Fun!

I found a set of rubber toppers from All My Memories in my stash - they must have been there for over a year and I must have bought them in a sale as they aren't really my style! So, with 28 Xmas cards still to make, I decided to use them up! I used the Crazy 4 Challenges #12 sketch for inspiration and here's my card...

It actually WAS a lot of fun to make! I always feel a bit of a cheat using pre-made toppers, but it was fab because I ended up making 3 cards in one evening - a MEGA record for me!! And I made those little snowflakes using the snowflake border punch. Dinky, huh?! And here's another one I made (the 'yellowish green card and snowflakes, are actually lime green and matches the topper beautifully - just my crappy photographing couldn't get the colour true)...

Are you looking forward to Friday? I AM!! My last day of work before picking up a new member of our family on Saturday and then a whole week off to bond with her! If you haven't read any of my earlier entries that this hints to, I'll make you wait until Saturday!!! TTFN xxx

Papers/cardstock: various Bazzill cardstock, DCWV paper (can't remember from which collection!)
Stamps: none
Mediums: none
Accents: All My Memories Bauble-Gums Winter, Doodlebug green spot organza ribbon, American Crafts spot ribbon, All My Memories striped ribbon, brown satin ribbon from stash
Tools: PaperShaper Snowflake border punch

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Must make more Xmas cards...groan...

You know, I've made soooo many Xmas cards I really thought I'd gone overboard! And then friends and colleagues were asking me to show them my spare ones so was happy to agree. Then, sitting in bed (because I've got a cold and feeling sorry for myself) I did a tally of who to send cards to - and I'm nearly 30 short! So, keep up with those challenges out there to make Xmas cards - I need the inspiration! Here's two I made earlier (anyone remember Blue Peter?) and entering the first in for Sparkle's Christmas challenge #51...

Now off for another snooze...

Papers/cardstock: various Bazzill cardstock, DCWV glitter card (snowflakes), Tinkering Ink Yuletide paper pad
Stamps: none
Mediums: Pebbles Inc paint (combination of colours to match), Flowersoft cream, Liquid Pearls in silver, Stickles in Frosted Lace (snowflake)
Accents: ribbon and pearl brads from stash, Cosmo Cricket chipboard Christmas ornament and mittens, Bazzill button and cream floss, garden twine
Tools: Fiskars scallop trimmer blade, circle and scallop circle punches, snowflake punch, Woodware snowflake 5 punch

Saturday 21 November 2009

A big 4-0!

One of my favourite clients hit his big 40 last week so of course I just had to make him a card. He's a great guy who is very easy to get on with and we always have a good laugh! He's also a sophisticated, tall Italian and, of course, I wanted a card to reflect his personality. When I saw the new Signature Greetings by Papertrey Ink, I knew it was the perfect sentiment for his card! Dawn McVey has a made a gorgeous card with it, see here. Unfortunately, it was only released on 15 November and couldn't get it in time for his card so I made up my own, but I'll be getting my credit card out to get the set (and perhaps some other items might fall in the 'basket' too!). So here is my card...

And then I made this card for no particular reason apart from liking the papers!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Papers/cardstock: various cardstock, SEI Jake papers
Stamps: none
Mediums: none
Accents: BasicGrey die cut numbers
Tools: EK Success Binder Edge edger punch, various Woodware star punches, Crop-a-Dile Corner Chomper, pc (sentiment)

Friday 20 November 2009

A double whammy! A first for me!

Yay! I've completed Mojo Monday sketch #113 AND Sparkle's Christmas card challenge #50! It's the first time I've done a double whammy as I find it difficult enough to just focus on one challenge at a time! So here's the sketch...

And here's my card...

I surprised myself by creating this card in less than two hours - it normally takes me a few days to mull over what it will look like and then a few hours to bring it together. I wish being creative came more naturally to me, rather than having to work at it so hard!

Now let's see if I can squeeze another card in by Sunday...

Papers/cardstock: various cardstock, DCWV glitter card (snowflakes), Tinkering Ink Yuletide paper pad
Stamps: Gel-a-Tins Holiday Mail (sentiment)
Mediums: Pebbles Inc paint (combination of colours to match the paper), Stickles glue in Diamond
Accents: ribbon from stash, Queen & Co gems, Cosmo Cricket chipboard Christmas ornament, Bazzill white floss
Tools: Martha Stewart Cornice borderpunch, circle and scallop circle punches, snowflake punch

Friday 13 November 2009

3-2-1, It's recipe time!

Another Anyone for Anya challenge again! This week it's recipe time: 3 pieces of paper or card; 2 buttons; and 1 bow. Well, I never know how much you are meant to keep to the rules of every challenge - I was considering all sorts of things and then just confused myself! It's easily done, I can tell you. I decided to keep it really simple instead and here it is...

To keep it from looking too plain, I used lots of dimension - I put the patterned paper onto 2mm mounting foam tape and then the image on 3mm foam pads. Lastly, I built up the buttons with the ribbon too. I have no idea where I got that ribbon from, but it amazingly has glittery threads in complimentary colours - perfect! And then because I was enjoying using the papers so much, I made another card...

Now, I really must stop making Xmas cards...

Papers/cardstock: various Core'dinations cardstock, Papermania red cardstock, Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly paper pad
Stamps: The Greeting Farm Fairy Tink and Fairy Chloe, CC Designs Christmas Card Greetings
Mediums: Copic Caios, Glamour Dust
Accents: ribbon from stash, Bazzill buttons
Tools: EK Success Embossed Curve border punch

JUGS challenge # 6 - just in time?!!

Oh dear, I think I missed the deadline for JUGS challenge #6! I've been cogitating about the design all week and then I came up with what I wanted to do last night! Ho hum, nevermind, here it is anyway...

I used lots of foam pads to give some dimension (if only my camera would do 3D!) and used my Sakura glue pen to add touches of white glitter on the ear muffs, gloves, etc. I then had left over mittens and hats that I had coloured in so I made another card to use them up...

I'm really loving these JUGS challenges - week 7 here I come (on time, I hope!).

Papers/cardstock: various Core'dinations cardstock, Papermania red cardstock, Cosmo Cricket Jolly by Golly paper pad
Stamps: The Greeting Farm Keep Cosy, Hero Arts Winter Warmers
Mediums: Copic Caios, dustings of white ultra fine glitter
Accents: ribbon from stash
Tools: Woodware 1" scallop circle punch, Martha Stewart Dot border punch

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Grown up Xmas cards!

Okay, okay. I know I said in my last post that I was getting bored of making Xmas cards, but I remembered that I had to create some for my mum to send out. So here are a couple of them...

Papers/cardstock: Bazzill cardstock, Bazzil Bling cardstock, K&Co Brenda Walton's Peppermint Twist Mat Pad and Tag Pad
Stamps: none

Mediums: Stickles in Frosted Lace and Diamond
Accents: ribbon from stash, Bazzill buttons, Robins Nest Dew Drops, Maya Road chipboard flourishes
Tools: sewing machine,
Fiskars Upper Crest border punch

Sunday 8 November 2009

Mojo Monday Madness! Challenge 111

At last, I've managed to do a Mojo Monday challenge. And by coincidence there's goodies to be won too! What a bonus! So here is the sketch...

And here is my entry...

Yes, another Xmas card! Getting bored of making these, I can tell you!! Luckily I've got a lot of birthdays and occasions coming up that I need to make cards for so I can put my festive spirit in a drawer for a bit!!

Papers/cardstock: Papermania white cardstock, Papermania red cardstock, "T'was the night before Xmas..." cardstock - can't remember, sorry!!
Stamps: The Greeting Farm Angel Anya, Hanna Stamps Ski Bunny (snowflakes on red card)
Mediums: Copic Caios, Stickles Star Dust (on snowflake), Elzybells White pigment inkpad (sugar candy), Inkssentials white gel pen, Deco Just Glitter pen in Gold Glitter
Accents: Maya Road chipboard snowflake, Bazzill Just the Edge scallop border, Robins Nest Dew Drops
Tools: Nestabilities Labels One

Saturday 7 November 2009

One, two, three - aaahhhh!

No cards this evening - instead piccies of our new baby, Lulu! Of course, she's actually a Yellow labrador puppy, but she might as well be a child to me! She is now 4 weeks old and we will be bringing her home in a few weeks - can't wait! Here she is in hubby Steve's arms...

Here is Steve with the proud parents, Ralph and Snap. They have fantastic natures - we came in and sat on the floor to see the puppies and they just came over and sat against Steve. He just fell in luuurve!

I'm not sure how our other Lab, Poppy is going to take to having a little sister. She'll either be extremely jealous or happy to have to a little play mate! I've even been reading a book written by a dog behaviourist to see what we need to do to integrate her! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Hopefully I will have a card to share with you tomorrow if I can't find a spare minute in between the bloomin' decorating!

Friday 6 November 2009

Anyone for Anya - Patriotic Anya

I couldn't help but play in A4A again - I have so many of The Greeting Farm stamps, it gives me such a good excuse to use them! This week's challenge is to use the colours of your national flag. I live in the UK so initially was going to do red, white and blue but then I thought I would do the flag to honour my mother who is from Hong Kong - so red and white. Doing the British flag would have been so much easier with three colours - I ended up spending ages trying to make mine interesting with just two colours! Anyway, here it is...

I just love Anya Snow, don't you? She is so beautiful and so much fun to colour in. And I wish I could find a winter coat with a glittery trim just like hers! Okay, okay, gotta get life outside of crafting... Instead of using my usual Glamour Dust, I used Hero Arts Primsa Glitter - and, wow, it is GORGEOUS! I still love my Glamour Dust as it isn't overpowering, but the Primsa Glitter really glitters! Go get some! I also used loads of foam pads for lots of dimension under the matting plus under the image.
I then needed to quicky make a get well card so I ended up using red, white and blue afterall! Here it is...

That's it for today, but tomorrow I will have a little treat for those dog lovers out there - and I know there are lots of you!

Papers/cardstock: various Bazzill cardstock, K&Co Brenda Walton's Peppermint Twist Mat Pad, DCWV white glitter card (for the snowflakes), can't remember what brand the blue, white, red paper is, sorry!
Stamps: The Greeting Farm Rain Snow Shine, The Greeting Farm Nurse Anya
Mediums: Copic Caios, Hero Arts Prisma Glitter
Accents: ribbon from stash
Tools: Woodware snowflake punches, PaperShaper Snowflake border punch, Fiskars Apron Lace border punch, sewing machine

Thursday 5 November 2009

JUGS Wild Card Challenge

OMG, I found this challenge really hard! I've never used a photo before on my cards and it took me aaages to come up with a design. But, whew, I did it!

This is a photo of my baby, Poppy, taken last Xmas. Isn't she gorgeous?!!! I love my baby! Those reindeer horns were a little tight but she eventually stopped trying to knock it off (with lots of help with treats) and kept it on for 2 minutes while I quickly took the photo! She is sooo tolerant!!

Did you notice the droopy dew drop in the top right corner?! Luckily it hadn't dried fully so I managed to straighten it up, whew! And another non-square card!

A big thank you to the wonderful Kristin who set this week's wild card challenge (and if you join in, you'll get an early Xmas pressie!). I'm so glad I did it because I know my parents are going to luuurve this card of their "granddaughter"! Now to make a replica for my in-laws...

Cardstock: Bazzill cardstock, BasicGrey Figgy
Stamps: Hero Arts Holiday Tags (Ho Ho Ho sentiment)
Mediums: white gel pen, Memento black ink, Stickles Star Dust
Accents: ribbon from stash, BasicGrey button, Dew Drops, Maya Road chipboard snowflake
Tools: Spellbinders
Polka Dot Frame

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Sparkle Creations challenge - how square can you go?!

Have you seen Sparkle of Sparkle Creations yet? I love her style - her cards are always really interesting yet keeps them fresh and fun. I especially like the way she uses embellishments. I struggle to get the right balance with mine so I always keep them to a minimum - I'm sure I could do better though as I often think my cards lack that extra "zing" (think of a whitening toothpaste advert!).

Anyway, in her Christmas Card Challenge week #48, you need to use multiple squares. Here is my entry...

I used 1mm foam pads under the squares to give them a little lift otherwise it looked flat and boring. I tried using gems and dew drops but I couldn't make it work (again!) so left it pretty plain with just the ribbon. Overall, I think I like it! And did you notice that it's NOT square? Yay, I managed it!!
Cardstock: various Bazzill cardstock, BasicGrey Eskimo Kisses
Stamps: Gel-a-Tins Holiday Mail
Mediums: various VersaMagic inks
Accents: Maya Road Trinkets Season ribbon
Tools: Martha Stewart New Scallop border punch

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Vivi and friends Xmas greetings!

Just a quick one tonight - one with that cute little Vivi from The Greeting Farm! I bought this little elf from my favourite Nikki from her store Bunny Zoe's Crafts here.

I used Koh-i-noor pencils (bought from Elzybells) and blended with Sansodor. I shaded the white hat trim with grey before I glued my fav Glamour Dust Glitter on - I'm not sure if it just looks dirty or it gives it depth!! Ho hum, too late now.

And then I decided to knock these up too using those cute little angels from CC Designs...

Papers/cardstock: various Bazzill cardstock, K&Co Brenda Walton's Peppermint Twist Mat Pad, DCWV white glitter card (for the snowflake)

Stamps: The Greeting Farm Rain Snow Shine

Mediums: Koh-i-noor pencils, Sansodor, Glamour Dust Glitter

Accents: Doodlebug pink spot sheer ribbon, Bazzill button

Tools: Cuttlebug snowflake die, PaperShaper Snowflake border punch, sewing machine, Fiskars Upper Crest border punch