
Sunday 19 September 2010

A warm hello

And gosh do I need one - it's turned suddenly cold down in the south east corner of Britain! I've actually ordered my hubby to put the electric blanket back on the bed! Grrrrr, but at least it's been a sunny weekend and we did a huge trek along the Seven Sisters (a series of hills) on the south coast yesterday. I feel virtuous!
Before I get to my card, I wanted to share my experience at a "Well Woman" clinic I had to attend this week, a requirement from my firm. Well I'm pleased to report that I've got clean bill of health - so all that countryside walking and keeping my food portions down really does work! The doctor said I've also got a healthy sense of humour, so I'll keep on laughing at life then. Anyway, that's not the interesting part. When you turn 40 they insist on giving you a mammogram. Has anybody had this before? My goodness, it's not a test, it's torture!!!! I only have a B cup and the poor lady taking the pictures had to twist and turn me into the most amazing positions! It must have looked hilarious, being wrapped around this huge machine - like I was trying to get intimate with it! Boy, was I sore afterwards - under my armpits of all places, lol! Results in a couple of weeks but I'm not expecting anything to come up (fingers crossed). I hope I don't have to go through that again for a long, long time!

Ok, ok, onto today's card. Another autumn theme one - I love those this Magnolia stamp makes it feel really windy! Just right for today's weather! I couldn't find any other suitable challenges but luckily they have a "anything goes" at this week's Secret Crafter Saturday Challenge.

On Tuesday, us Ladybug Crafts Ink DT gals are going to do our own challenge called "pink and one other colour", set by our Head Ladybug, Kerry. Luckily I just luuurve pink so it was an easy one. Feel free to join in if you can, we love seeing all Ladybug Crafts Ink creations!

Paper/cardstock: Bazzill cardstock, BasicGrey Mellow paper pack
Stamps: Magnolia Tilda on the Loose, Hero Arts sentiment
Mediums: Copic markers
Accents: My Minds Eye buttons, ribbon from stash
Tools: Nestabilities lacy square, square and label dies, Magnolia Doo Hickey border punch


  1. Hi Mary J ... thanks for the hug .. i think it worked lol
    Just chuckling here thinking of you having that mammogram - i have never had one i shouldn't laugh.. mind you they don't call me Double Diamond for nothing lol - hope there machine will cope with mine!
    What a great company you have sending you to the well woman clinic ... mine despite who they are - don't care !
    Love the colours in this card - and the orange really warms up my cockles lol
    Have a great day
    Lisa ;)

  2. HI Mary, such a gorgeous card the paper just fits so well with Tilda.its so perfect.
    I have had 4 monograms in the past only one being without an abcess it was painful enough so I know where you are coming from, but with an abcess its worse than child birth.
    hugs chris xx

  3. Glad you got a clean bill of health from the doctor, although having the mamogram sounds a bit of a palaver its well worth doing, just to be sure.

    Love your card, those papers are fabulous

    Sue xx

  4. Hi Mary
    lovely design and the papers are fabulous and the image is coloured beautifully coloured, thanks for joining us at SCSC101: Anything goes, Good luck, Hugs Bridget x. SCSC DT

  5. Great card

    Thanks for joining us at SCSC :)

    Hugs Jane x

  6. Hi Mary J

    LOL, I am hearing you, those Mamograms are torture! Obviously designed by a man.
    Your card is gorgeous. Tilda looks fabulous and the papers are perfect. Great layout.
    Michelle :-)

  7. Congrats on the clean bill of health, always nice to get that. I have had the other thing once, some experience as you say. That machine was not designed with women in mind lol. Love your card mary, gorgeous bright stripes.

  8. Mary, your card is adorable. Love your Magnolia and she's colored beautifully.

    Ah, yes, the wonderful mammogram! Even with a "larger cup" it's still uncomfortable. I've had over a dozen of them and I'll let you in on a little secret. If the technician is good, it isn't that painful -- still uncomfortable, but not painful. So sorry you had to go through it though.

  9. Your card is beautiful. Tilda is so cute!

  10. Hi Mary, happy sunday..I love your card, love the image and the papers... pretty borders too...HUGS

  11. Hi Mary J. Well thank goodness you got a clean bill of health! I've heard stories about the other, never had one done myself! Lovely card as usual! Take care Pami x

  12. Beautiful card as always Mary, I have to admit I did chuckle at your story, although I can't imagine having to have one!! ... Ming you, they save peoples lives so well worth it!


  13. love your Tilda card Mary! Just right for this time of year, colors and all! Love the shape, your coloring and how nice you do up the inside! That border die is the best and the nesties are sure cool! Maybe one of these days I'll do something to the inside of my cards...I'm always up against the wire! lol TFS!
    Pam Going Postal

  14. Such a sweet card, lovely deign...
    Thanks for joining our special launch challenge at SCSC, and good luck with the draw


Hello! Thank you for taking the time for any comments, advice or thoughts you may wish to leave for me - I really appreciate you taking the time!

Mary J x