
Wednesday 6 July 2011

Going dotty!

Hope you are all having a fabby week!  Our British summer has kept true to form by teasing us with a few gorgeous days and now it's back to rain, rain, rain!  No wonder this darn place is so green....

But enough moaning!  Here is a new baby card I made...


Now the reason why I called this post "going dotty" isn't just because I used gorgeous papers from the Fresh Polkas digi paper collection by Cupcake Cards and Crafts - it's because I made loads of boo boos while making this card!!  First I stuck down the matting before putting the ribbon on, then I placed the image in the wrong place so had to unstick it and place it properly AND THEN I got black bl**dy ink on the bloomin' corner!!!  Well this last mistake was harder to rectify so managed to fix most of it but I lost the will to live and just left that little smudge in the bottom right hand corner!  I will fix it when my patience comes back....!  Even Steve learned some new swear words!!

LOL!  You gotta laugh or you'd of course this is another DT card for this month's Cupcake Craftroom challenge to use polka dots.  I hope you get a chance to play along - would love to see your makes on this theme!

I am entering this card into the following challenges:

Paper/cardstock: Bazzill cardstock, Cupcake Cards and Crafts Fresh Polkas paper collection
Stamps:  Meljen Designs Giraffe Necktie (freebie), LCI Baby Baby set
Mediums: Copics
Accents: ribbon from stash, 4mm flat backed pearls
Tools: Corner Chomper, EK Success border punch, Nestabilities dies


  1. i love this giraffe...i have him did a great job on the orange colors and is my fav it hun


  2. This is gorgeous. I adore giraffes, would have one for a pet if I could lol. Fabulous card. Jo xx

  3. Just love your card and I'm really pleased to hear that you are normal! I couldn't imagine you ever doing anything wrong lol

    Hugs Laurie xx

  4. Gorgeous and sweet card Mary J. I'm so glad I'm not the only one that sometimes makes a total mess of a card lol!

  5. Gorgeous Mary...! love the image and super dp's too hun...and if you need any more naughty words..I have a few I was using today!

    have a lovely evening...hugs Vicky xx

  6. Hi Mary J,I just love your card ,it is so pretty and cute!
    I can learn you a few naughty words in Dutch lol
    Hugs Heidy

  7. Fabulous card Hun! I can see a button or two on the make you spit eh!I do it all the time, or my sleeves do.Love the colours and a real cute image.Lovely.
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  8. What is a handmade card if there is not a little bit of you left on it Mary!You could look on it as adding a bit of texture,some cardmakers would not worry too much about the smudge, but it would bother me as it sounds it would bother you. It is frustrating, but the card is heavenly.

  9. This is a brilliant card, my Daughter would love it too as she loves giraffe's.
    I sympathise as I know that lost the will to live feeling only too well when it comes to cardmaking.
    Chin up.

    Kath x

  10. I love the card - ths colour is great and the giraffe is so cute. I made so many mistakes today making a card too. It was lucky Martha was asleep or she would have learnt a few interesting first words!
    Nikki x

  11. Love the colours on this one Mary, including the black smudge lol! Gorgeous image too!
    Helen x

  12. Oh this is great - such a fab image for a baby card , and i love the polka dots and colour combo
    Lisa x

  13. Ok enough with the it as always..eye candy for sure..thks for daughter is in the process of making me a special bracelet when it is done I am going to post it..keep your eyes peeled..

  14. So sweet. I don't recall every seeing a baby card here before. You need to do more of them. This is very, very cute.

  15. what a fabulous card! thanks for playing with Bugaboo! JOY DT

  16. You are funny Mary in the nicest possible way. Love the card including the added extra in the corner :) I do these things all the time,I am such a messy crafty that sometimes I have more ink and glitter than the card! Love it anyway. Great image colours and layout.
    Have a good day.
    Hugs Sally xxx

  17. gorgeous card mary.the giraffe is so cute and fabulous colouring and design :D

    xx coops xx

  18. LOL,that's so recognizable! Sometimes swearing and crafting go hand in hand, although I usually throw my mistakes in the bucket in a fit of rage ;) I can't count the number of times when OH came in the crafty room to find me slightly sobby and positively mad! And they say crafting takes away the stress ;)

    Who cares, you're only human after all and the card is still great! I love that giraffe, I think it would be good for a male card as well.

    Let me know how you will be fixing your card (if you are still doing that)!

  19. Aw so adorable Mary J, I love the colours.
    Hugs Emma x

  20. This is such a cute card - the giraffe is fab! I think it's more orange card with a touch of black and white, but it's fun! Thanks for your continued support of the St Luke's Charity Card Challenge. Hope to see you soon.

  21. oh! la la qu'elle est craquante! moi je la prendrais bien, biz

  22. Love the orange and your coloring and would never have noticed the boo boo if you hadn't mentioned it. Otherwise it is adorable!

  23. sweet. I had that pretty punch, but it broke after 8 punches. I took it back and it did it again. Once more, it did it AGAIN. What is your secret? Loving your darling card and the added touch of the wavy punch. Thank you for joining us at Catch the Bug challenge.

  24. Such a cute image, love your choice of colours,

  25. Great card; great color combo - and I go dotty every time I make a card..well, several times. I swear, where do those stray blotches of black ink (or whatever color) come from!?!


    Oh well; looks to me like you fixed them all and they look fab!!!

  26. Not quite black and white plus one but never mind lol. That giraffe is fabulous and makes a really cute card.Thanks for joining us at St Lukes.
    Lynne xxx

  27. Love it. The giraffe is so cute.


  28. OMG, you have made me feel so much better!! I have oops moments all the time... although you'd never have known about them if you hadn't of said! Love this card, so sweet!

    Sue xx

  29. Aw, such a cute little guy. Love the background paper with him...super card. thanks for joining us at the Fuzzy Wuzzy Challenge this month.


  30. I love your Giraffe...a gorgeous card and we all have problems sometimes when making our cards and your post made me smile.. but your card is brilliant. Thank you for joining in our challenge over at St Lukes Charity card challenge please come back and play next month


  31. Oh this is SO sweet. I love the combination of papers and colors these are just PERFECT! Thanks for joining the Catch the Bug Challenge for our July Anything Goes Challenge!!, Good Luck! I hope you'll join us again.

  32. Another stunning entry Mary - thanks for your continued support.
    Tara x

  33. Fab card and I love the giraffe. Zoë guest DT at St Luke's Charity Challenge.

  34. So cute! lovely coloring and designing Mary!

  35. Well it's a SUPERB card . . . but I can see green, orange, grey & cream on there so I'm not sure it complies with the St Luke's challenge remit!

    However, it IS gorgeous and I love the way you've coloured the image.

    Hugs, Sandra


Hello! Thank you for taking the time for any comments, advice or thoughts you may wish to leave for me - I really appreciate you taking the time!

Mary J x