
Friday, 1 October 2010

My fab news and to celebrate - a give away!

I'm not the type to let things get me down - when things upset my mojo, I take action and move on - a sort of GI Jane in the corporate world!  Well, the past few months at work haven't been great because of a certain work colleague who has taken an extreme dislike to me!  She has been outwardly been rude and sarcastic to me in front of others and - on a good day - ignores me like I don't exist!  I haven't taken it too personally as I know she does this to others - but, still, it's not nice!  The main problem is that she sits on the management team of my department so could influence my salary/career prospects - not good!

So my fab news is that yesterday I was offered a new job in another department and I will no longer have any contact with this lady!!  I say lady, but she ain't no lady, lol!

My new job is managing the operations for our management consultancy arm across Europe and the Middle East.  It's a huge job and I'm a little bit scared (but don't tell my new boss that).  In celebration of landing this role and getting rid of a big problem in my life, I'm giving away two sets of candy!  Take a look at these Maya Road stamp sets...

Yummy, huh?!  I have my own sets and haven't made anything with either yet and I need your help to inspire me to create something with them!  So here's what you need to do for a chance to win one of them...
  1. Put a direct link to your post with a card you have created that is inspired by one of these sets in the comments section of this post
  2. With your comment, let me know if you have a preference for a set
  3. Make sure you're a follower of my blog!
That's it!  I will randomly choose two winners to win a set each next Friday 8 October at 8pm GMT.  I will try to match your preference for a set, but the first out of the bag will get theirs and the other winner will have to make do with the other set.  But they are both so cute, I don't think you'll mind which one you win, right?!  I will also post anywhere in the world, cos I have a lot of international blog mates out there who deserve a chance to win too!

I can't wait to see your inspiration - good luck!


  1. Congrats on your new job Mary,best of luck to you! x

  2. Congratulations on your new job, it's good to know you get rid of that problem with neither of you being hurt in the process!

  3. Well thats a double whammy Mary, congratulations to you and hope your new boss is a charmer lol.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Mary cant spell this morning.
    I am so pleased you are going to be away from that self indulgent person, what makes people like that.
    congrats on your new job sounds great and you will be amazing.
    thanks for the chance of the candy, off to do a link now. hugs chris xx

  6. Hi Mary. Many congratulations on your new job. What great news that you have got away from that awful person. We all spend so much time at work and if you have to deal with people like that it's so stressful. Anyway, you don't have to worry about that now! Pami x

  7. Mary J, congratulations on your new job! I'm so happy you're getting to leave and go to a new department. I just don't understand why someone has to be so mean. I'm sure she must be a very unhappy person if she likes to cause such nastiness in others' lives.

  8. Hi Mary J, Congratulations on your new job, I am sure you will give it your all, as for the other person "Every Dog Has Their Day"!! Good Luck and if I can find some time this week I will most definately do a link Annette

  9. aww Mary... great news, congrats...wish you all the best!

  10. Congrats on your new job Mary, that's wonderful news. Your boss obviously has faith in you or you wouldn't have been given you such a huge job, as for the "lady" who obviously abuses her position she is nothing more than a bully and I'm pleased you are rid of her.
    Gorgeous candy, if I have time I will enter
    hugs Mandy xx

  11. HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on your new job Mary. I know how it can make you feel when someone gets you down. I don't know how you survive the corporate world, you must be a very strong woman! I think I'd crumble as I'm far too sensitive to what others say or do! Good for you though, it sounds like you'll be much better off in your new position and much happier, plus it sounds like more resposibility and more prospects perhaps?! Good for you! I hope you celebrated!!!

  12. Hi Mary, we don't seem to have caught up with each other lately. Thanks so much for your nice comment on Miles. I am so sorry to hear about all the garbage you have been putting up with, that is so awful and I know you don't deserve it. Huge congratulations on your new job, I'm sure you will do just great. Keep us all posted on how it goes. I will be praying for you. God takes care of all our worries and concerns, even if it's not as soon as we want it. I could tell you a long story about a seemingly impossible situation I have been dealing with recently, but I gave it over to God and it has been resolved in a way I would never have imagined. Sorry, not meaning to preach at you, hope I don't offend you. As for this 'lady', I feel sorry for her as she must be very insecure.

    I am so excited for you, how soon do you start?

    Blessings and Prayers,

  13. Wow, congratulations on the new job!! I can never understand why some women seem to feel the need to put a downer on others, its tough enough for us all banging our heads and working twice as hard as our male counterparts without being stabbed in the back by another woman. Sad that she is still able to make others life a misery, but delighted that you have got a rather excellent new job and won't have to put up with her stupid behaviour :-)

    Well done you!!

    Sue xx

  14. Congratulations on getting away from the horrible "un"lady, LOL! It's amazing how just one person can make life unbearable for many. Anyway, hooray for you!


Hello! Thank you for taking the time for any comments, advice or thoughts you may wish to leave for me - I really appreciate you taking the time!

Mary J x