
Sunday, 12 February 2012

To follow or not to follow - that is the question!

Hi all!  I bet you've all seen the rumours around that blogger friends connect is going to disappear!  So I bet you're worried about losing your friends - I know I am!!

Anyhoo, I've done some research myself and found this link on the official Google website...

It states...

"Google Friend Connect—Friend Connect allows webmasters to add social features to their sites by embedding a few snippets of code. We're retiring the service for all non-Blogger sites on March 1, 2012. We encourage affected sites to create a Google+ page and place a Google+ badge on their site so they can bring their community of followers to Google+ and use new features like Circles and Hangouts to keep in touch."

The key word here is 'non-Blogger' - that means the service will be stopped for users of other platforms like Wordpress.  So, if you want to keep friends who are non-Blogger users,  then you can create the Google+ page where you can "add people to circles" - what that looks like, I don't know!!

There is no official confirmation if GFC will disappear altogether for Blogger users, but it does look like Google is going to push users to use the Google+ page.

Until I've received confirmation on what is actually going to happen and for those non-Bloggers who want to follow me, I've added Linky Followers (a free service) on my side bar.  If you follow me on this, then I will return the favour and follow you on your blog too.  Click on the badge below if you want to sign up for the service.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and see you tomorrow with my Make It Monday and Pollycraft Mondays DT posts!


  1. Hey Mary J! I haven't played with the apps so much - hanging by a thread on facebook and now pinterest (which I am gaining followers, but have no clue what to do, ha! - I just wanted to see beautiful photos, lol). So not sure what will happen with the followers, but thanks for the heads up!

  2. I'm Linky Following you!

  3. of course im following...


  4. Thanks for this MaryJ - I've seen posts about this on other blogs but wasn't sure how this affected me. xx

  5. Thanks for the heads up Mary!

  6. I have added the linky thing mary J.


  7. Hi Mary J, I'm too a little worried about this so I've popped linky followers on my blog too...hope you will come and follow me also:)


  8. Thanks for the clearer info on this, to be on the safe side I will keep my new linky on anyway....

  9. I'm linky following too!

  10. Hi Mary!
    Thank you for the clearer picture on this. I hope you don't mind but I'm copying your post today. I feel you have the best info than I could ever write.
    Hope that's ok, and yes I linked back to you.
    Have a terrific Sunday!!

  11. Thanks Mary! Hope you had a great weekend, how are things with you? Must speak soon. P x

  12. I think that I will still be able to follow you as I do have blogspot in my tool bar. I hope so anyway as I am useless at doing things from the norm.

    Kath x


Hello! Thank you for taking the time for any comments, advice or thoughts you may wish to leave for me - I really appreciate you taking the time!

Mary J x