My lovely Blogger followers!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Two days in

Hi all!  Thought I'd take advantage to give an update to our move to New Zealand as I'm wide awake at 4.15am - yes, still adjusting to the time zone here in New Zealand!  Fell asleep at 8pm yesterday, dribbling into my top (gorgeous) whilst trying to stay awake to look for somewhere to live.  But I'm getting there and hope to have acclimatised by the weekend.

So we've been living for two days now in a service apartment at the Barclay Suites, which basically means it's got a kitchen, washing facilities, etc.  This place is slap bang in the middle of Auckland Central and has amazing views from our apartment on the 22nd floor.

View North towards the ferry terminal.  My office is the white building behind the ANZ building nearest to the water.
The famous Sky Tower - the tallest man-made structure in the Southern Hemisphere.

Our first sunset in Auckland.

We're here for two weeks so we're now on a hunt to find somewhere to rent a.s.a.p., but we're a bit limited because we need a dog friendly place and they are few and far between.

Speaking of our dog, we're picking up our Lulu on 6 June.  The poor thing has been stuck in a crate, on a 30 hour flight without any food. She should have landed by now in Auckland and residing in a kennel for a 10 day quarantine.  I really want to go and see my baby but we're not allowed to touch her so I think it may be more distressing for her to see us but then watch us walk away.  I miss her so much and feel sooooooo guilty putting her through this.  Now I need a hug after writing that.

The weather has been really mixed - pouring with rain one moment and then glorious sunshine the next.  Typical NZ weather.  We're just about to enter into Winter (yes, very bad timing for our move!) which means average day time temperatures of 14-18 degs.  Not too bad.  Better than the UK with winter average in the South East of 3-5 degs.  One of the main reasons of moving here.  I've had many people asking why we want to move to the other side of the world, away from our family and friends.  Believe me, it's not because I'm trying to get away from them, lol!  It's beautifully captured here Why I Love New Zealand by kimipom so feel free to take a look.

It's all feeling very surreal to me being here.  It feels like being on holiday and it's not sunk in that this is now our home.  I really do miss my family and friends though.  I saw a lady today in a shopping mall who looked a bit like my mum and I started crying.  I wish you could all move over here and be with me!

Other initial observations since arriving:
  1. The city has really developed due to hosting the 2011 Rugby World Cup. It's much more cosmopolitan with designer shops and good looking restaurants.  Having two harbours there is plenty of waterside views
  2. When we were here eight years ago we were surprised by how many Chinese and Asians there were.  This time round, there are a lot more Indian.  A very multi-cultural city just like London, but the people here are still really friendly, unlike in London!

Okay, switching off now.  Will write again once we've moved into our rental.  See you soon!


pinky said...

Just playing catch up Mary with all your news. Why didn't I see this before!! You have me all teary here too between your lovely dog and thinking of your Mum. But its all natural and all part of you adapting to your new life. It will be worth it, just give it your best shot.
Sending a big hug from Ireland.

Vera Yates (Ling) said...

I totally got what you're saying about Lulu. The poor girl must have been wondering what's going on. I think it's brave of you to move and chase your dream. LOL, I keep saying I can't imagine making such a move, when in reality I already did 1 move from Indonesia to the US. :) I love following your new adventure. :)

Chrissy said...

I'm waving to you..Welcome to New Zealand..glad you got here safe and sound and I will see if I can send some good weather up your way...very cold here in Napier this morning with a thick heavy frost..but at least that means a beautiful sunny day to follow...hope you find somewhere to live soon..and Lulu will be so pleased to see you and I'm sure she will be well looked after during her quarantine.


Tracey T said...

So pleased your journey went well and you're starting to adjust to your new life. My sister took her Chocolate Lab (Cadbury, of course) out to NZ when she emigrated and he was so well looked after in quarantine. This was followed up by a couple of home visits to make sure he'd settled into his new home! Lulu will be fine, I'm sure and she'll be so happy to see you when the time comes. Happy rental hunting! xx

JanR said...

(I'm sorry, I gotta do this....) Oh, winter is 14-18ºC? How will you stand it? Should I send you some capris and a light sweater so you can get through it? Just wait I'll move aside my parka, toque and mukluks to grab you some. :-D

Thank you for sharing, Mary! NZ looks absolutely beautiful. Hope you get settled in soon.

Debbie Pamment said...

Woohooo - welcome to my side of the planet - just the wrong side if "The Ditch" ;) Hope you get over your jetlag soon and start enjoying all NZ has to offer xXx

Michelle said...

Hi Mary, so glad you arrived safe and sound :) Poor Lulu, she must be so confused but she will get over it quickly once she can be reunited with you. Wow what an amazing place you will be working, the views are amazing! I hope you find the perfect place soon so you can start getting all settled in. Lots of love and hugs :)

Susie Sugar said...

It all sounds so exciting Mary and looks amazing
It seems strange (even though we never hung out !! He he) to think last week you were half hour along the coast from me and now you're half way round the world ..... I feel a funny sense of loss :( but really happy for you to be in such a fabulous place with a great big adventure ahead of you
Hope you find somewhere to rent soon so Lulu can come home with you ....good luck looking
Hugs Susie xx

BożenA said...

Hello Mary,
Such large changes in life are very stressful. The worst are the first days, then the person begins to get used to it. Unfortunately, there is no council longing, well that is the internet and instant messaging. I sympathize with separation from her beloved dog. You're right, better collect it after the quarantine will suffer less. I sympathize with you very much, because how are loved animal, it treats them like her own child, and any normal person would have a huge stress leaving your child in a strange place with strangers. Fortunately it will pass and you will be together again. Time passes so quickly that it did not even know it when ...
I keep my fingers crossed for rapid adaptation to new environment and that you were happy there together with your family brought into you :-)I do not know English, and I hope that my translation by the translator is correct.

coops said...

oh wow Mary.It is great to read an update and I bet you are counting down the minutes until you are reunited with your baby.Wishing you lots of luck on the house hunting and I hope you settle in quickly.
sending lots of UK hugs.

xx coops xx

Unknown said...

Hi Mary, just had to write to wish you well down under. My daughter and son-in-law moved over there five years ago, they live on the North Shore on the Hibiscus Coast and have a wonderful life. We will be going for the third time in November. It is a beautiful country and the people are so friendly. Good luck finding a rental so you can get Lulu back as soon as possible.

Fran Baldwin

littlebee said...

Hiya Mary , , , so pleased you're settling in. The time will pass quickly until you reunite with your lovely dog Lulu, I have two dogs, a choc lab, Leo and a Whippet, Mish and can only imagine how I'd feel if I had to wait 10 days in a foreign country to see them. She will be fine and so pleased to greet you when the days pass. Take care and hope you find a new home very soon. Sue x

Lisa Minckler said...

I'm so jealous but so excited for you all the same!!!! Thank you for the wonderful photographs. Can't wait to see more as you get settled in.
Big hugs from way across the pond,

Shirley-Anne said...

Hi there Mary J
I do hope that you find a house soon , where Lulu will be able to romp around . Where ever that will be , I know that it will soon become a HOME full of love and laughter as you will all be together again . Thanks for keeping us updated and for those beautiful photos .
Hugs and warm wishes Shirley-Anne

Unknown said...

Wow! these are wonderful tips. Thanks for sharing them with us. Please visit

JanR said...

Hey Mary J.....saw a card that reminded me of your style and got thinking that it's been awhile since we've heard from you! Hope all went well with the big move and that you're settling in nicely. Perhaps you could post an update if you have the time? *hint, hint* (Seeing as I'll probably never get to New Zealand in my lifetime I'll be happy to take secondhand observations. :-) )

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Mary-Anne V said...

Hope your search for a new home goes well and you find a place soon. Hang in there. I just moved from Canada to the US and that was hard so your move is much farther. It gets better with times and I am sure you will settle in just fine! Smiles.

Shannon White said...

OMgoodness!!! I stopped in to see what you've been up to Miss Mary!! And Wow!! you have moved to New Zealand! Goodness! You go Girly! Hope you guys are enjoying your new diggs! We just moved recently too, but not nearly as far as you guys! lol just from Southern Cal. to Northern Cal. lol

Congrats on the move & Big Hugs
Shannon 8-)

memorial garden benches said...

Great post! I love your photos! Thanks for sharing these wonderful tips!

Somerset Wedding Girl said...

That's certainly a significant move, but what an adventure! I've heard New Zealand is one of the most beautiful places in the world, so I think you'll start to absolutely love it soon enough!

stevenjared0853 said...

Wow, I am so glad to know about your corporate event in New Zealand. You know I am also going to attend some corporate events San Francisco in the next month. I would be very busy in Jan as I have to host two international meetings too along with these events.

Unknown said...

You’ve made some good points there. It’s a good idea! Please visit

Christine L said...

Hi Mary.... can you give me a shout on FB when you get this - just a quickie? Sorry, I don't have your up to date email addy... TY x

Christine L said...

Hi Mary... me again!! Can you give me a tinkle via FB when you're able? it's about Whimsie Doodles - I need your help!

I think Emma should be somewhere near you right now... she's flying from Auckland to Sydney today (your time - as it's still Sunday here!). She's loved NZ - hope she doesn't get the bug that you did and want to move there!! LOL!

Big hugs
Christine x

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Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Mary, we are back in New Zealand now and living in Auckland. Are you still around? My sister has just bought a house out in Beachlands. Would love to know how you've settled in and whether you're still creating. Love and hugs, Wends xoxo (Crafty Kiwi Mama)

Christine L said...

Hey Mary.... How're you doing?? I just spotted one of your older cards on Pinterest and it made me think of you!!! I have no way of getting in touch with you (don't have your email addy), other than here... but I just thought I'd let you know I thought of you and wondered how you were!

Big hugs
Christine x

Shirley-Anne said...

Hi Mary J...Same as last comment .Was thinking about you as Michelle mentioned you tonight and we both wondered how you are ...miss your paper craft and your chit chat . warm wishes to you and yours hugs Shirley-Anne

Jocelyn aka JoBear2 said...

Hi Mary, thought I would stop in for a visit and to say "hi". Really miss your cards and hope that one day, you will start creating again. Hope you have settled into New Zealand by now & getting used to summer at Christmas-time! Sending you best wishes :-)

Jocelyn (in Australia)

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